Meaning Word
The school for the children from( 5-11)....... Primary school (n)
The school for the children from (12 - 18 )....... Secondary/high school(n)
The school belonging to specific people(not the government).... Private school(n)
The school belonging to the government........ State school (n)
.....The school where students stay all the year except during holidays Boarding school (n)
Half the academic year at school.......... School term / semester(n)
The school plan for classes and their time everyday.... School timetable(n)
Testing the student..... Assessment /Examination(n)
The subject that you must take at school...... Compulsory subjects(n)
Holiday....... Vacation (n)
Take someone with your car .... Pick (someone)up(v)
Establish ......... Found (v)
A sport which uses a ball and a stick Lacrosse (n)
baseball........ Softball(n)
Team /band ........ Ensemble (n)
Go to....... Attend (v)
Urge someone to do something ........ Encourage(v)
Special ......... Unique (Adj)
Environment ....... Atmosphere (n)
A special place for sports....... Gymnasium (n)
Tiring........ Exhausting (A)
Lake........ Swamp (n)
A flat piece of wood....... Plank (n)
Difficulty......... Obstacle (n)