angry : غاضب
" she was angry with her boss for criticising her work "
" He made her very angry "
annoyed : متضايق
I'm very annoyed with him . He hasn 't returned any of my
" she was annoyed by his suggestion that she was lazy"
appalled : مصدوم
very shoked : " The staff were appalled to hear that they would all lose their jobs
ashamed : خجلان
How could you say such a thing _you should be ashamed of yourself! "
bewildered : مرتبك
very confused : " He was bewildered by the choice and range of computers in the shop . and did n't know which one to buy
cross : غاضب جدا
quite angry : " Iwas cross with him fornot helping me . as he "said he wauld
delighted : مسرور
very happy : " delig hted that Igot the job . It 's just what Ialways wanted
down in the dumps : مكتئب
sad and fed up : " what 's the mat ter with him _He 's so " down in the dumps these days
frightened : خائف
" As a child she was frightened by the dark"